The SAW Single-Year Intensive Has Been The Premier Program For Affordable, Personalized Comics Instruction Since 2012

In 2020 we brought together almost 10 years of in person learning onto our online platform to bring our year-long certificate program to wherever you are in the world.

Our in person space has transformed to a small-studio and library that is open to the public for regular draw jams and workshops throughout the year. You can visit throughout the week by appointment or keep up with current events by following us on social media or checking out our Eventbrite.

Now You Can Experience Quality Comics Education Online

What's Included?

  • 9 months of intensive classes in art making, visual storytelling and comics history

  • Small-group mentoring lead by professional cartoonists

  • Online access to collection of comics

  • Monthly live professional artists talks and access to archive of dozens of artists talks

  • Grading: failing/passing/excelling

  • Optional capsule classes: 60-75% off public price

  • Comics Certificate for passing/excelling completion of program

We understand how race and gender-based privilege can exclude women, gender-diverse, disabled, African American and BIPOC from creative communities.

Each year we offer up to 5 full and partial scholarships for African American, BIPOC, gender diverse and People with Disabilities, as well as discounted Pay What You Can tuition for people with financial need. 

These scholarships will cover the cost of tuition for the Online Certificate Program and will be offered on a recurring basis at the beginning of each school year. 

You can apply for scholarships here or reach out to us directly for more information.


Our online students love SAW

Beth Drummond

5 star rating

“This is fantastic course! If you have ever wondered how sequential storytelling works and if you could use it to tell your own stories - this is the class for you. Tom Hart provides a very solid introduction to this unique form of communication a...”

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“This is fantastic course! If you have ever wondered how sequential storytelling works and if you could use it to tell your own stories - this is the class for you. Tom Hart provides a very solid introduction to this unique form of communication and through well thought out assignments you get an opportunity to put this new knowledge into practice. By posting these assignments to the dedicated Facebook page you will also get supportive feedback from fellow students. There are many online classes out there that promise much more than they deliver ( I know having taken more than a few!) this class was the opposite - I learned much more than I expected! I highly recommend it.”

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Jamie Eby

5 star rating

“I loved everything about this class--the premise, the weekly reading assignments and exercises, the video intro to each week, the Google Communities format, and the enthusiastic and thoughtful fellow students. I learned so much--how exercises with...”

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“I loved everything about this class--the premise, the weekly reading assignments and exercises, the video intro to each week, the Google Communities format, and the enthusiastic and thoughtful fellow students. I learned so much--how exercises with constraints can help and guide us, and even push us in directions we might have explored otherwise. I learned how to draw faster so I could turn in work every week. From the readings, I learned about new artists that I'm excited about. I appreciate how much work and thought must have been put into creating this class. Each week built on the week before, and the exercises were unique, challenging, and fun. I can't say enough good things. Thank you Tom! ”

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Karlo Antunes

5 star rating

“This class helped me think about inking and line work in a whole different way. I used to be really afraid of inking my pencils, but now my inks look even better than my pencil work because I'm more comfortable with inking. It's awesome!”

“This class helped me think about inking and line work in a whole different way. I used to be really afraid of inking my pencils, but now my inks look even better than my pencil work because I'm more comfortable with inking. It's awesome!”

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  • Why is there no longer an in person option?

    In response to the global pandemic in 2020 we switched to online learning for the safety of our students, staff and wider community! We no longer offer our year long intensive in person, but we do have frequent workshops and events throughout the year. You can stay connected through our mailing list or follow us on social media to hear updates.

  • How is the year long certificate different from the other classes you offer online?

    The year-long program offers an intensive, comprehensive opportunity to learn about comics and how to make them.

    Our other online offerings are limited to short periods of time with restricted access to the instructor.

  • If I’ve taken 6 online courses and come to three lo-res weeks so does that mean I get a full-year certificate? Is there a lot of overlap in the content?

    While past classes won't be credited to the certificate program, we want to make sure that every student is receiving new and engaging learning opportunities that meets their needs. Contact us and together we can figure out the best approach for you!

    Our online courses are a kind of 'best of' teaching resources from our faculty so there may be some cross over with past class content. If that's the case, we have a growing catalog of alternative classes that can be substituted for any student who feels like they're repeating a class they've already taken.

  • What online platform will you be using for the online classes? Is there Tech Support? And will I have access to the classes after the year is up?

    Our online classes are run through Thinkific. Each student has access to the course material through a personal portal. Our online forum operates through The Mighty Network. We already have a thriving community there, with a mix of free and pay walled resources.

    As to tech support, we’re still just two people - Tom and Emma - who are an email or direct message away. Whatever issue you’re having, we will respond within 24 to 48 hours on weekdays.

    And yes, you will continue to have access to the course material through Thinkific when the program is completed.

  • How many hours of study/work per week are people committing to? Will people be able do the program while working full-time? And are there any adjustments for people who want to do the program part-time?

    We ask that our online students commit a minimum of one and a half hours per class each week.

    That having been said, this is comics! It’s an all consuming pursuit that is very easy to get lost in! If you have the time and flexibility the material and homework can be expanded for a much greater time investment.

    There are three classes per six week block, with additional classes available for people who have the time and means to expand their study. We are not currently offering this program part-time.

  • How much does this cost? What is your refund policy?

    This program has a fixed cost. We do offer scholarship and Pay What You Can opportunities for people who have been historically excluded from educational and comics spaces, or people experiencing financial hardship.

    Our refund policy is to return payment within two weeks of the beginning of classes.

  • Are there any live components to this course? How can you help me stay engaged and complete the course at a distance?

    Online classes can be hard to stay engaged with, we know that! Facing a computer each day, it can be difficult to feel like you’re part of a community. We also know that there are students from all over the world, across many different time zones so we will have live zoom calls for different subjects that aren't compulsory but do come highly recommended. On top of that we have a three fold strategy for keeping students engaged.

    Number 1. A pass, fail system for classes. If you are unable to demonstrate your engagement with the course materials and homework tasks, you are unable to move on to the next set of classes.

    Number 2. We're paying attention to engagement throughout the year and will reach out directly, and have our (virtual) door open to anyone who needs one-on-one attention.

    Number 3. Our Mighty Network group is active 24/7, wherever you are in the world. Not only do you have access to your classmates, but you have access to other comics lovers. Each week there will be discussion opportunities, as well as work sharing not only with your peers but with the course instructors.

    We believe being able to work independently and motivate yourself is a huge part of being a professional artist. Our goal is to give our students the tools and inspiration to leave the classroom fold and continue to create comics for themselves!

  • I've still got questions!

    We're here to answer them. Send us a message via the chat box!