Join Susannah Hainley in this 3-hour live zoom class

Participants will get hands-on experience with a text generator and text-to-image generator to foster an understanding of the possibilities and limitations of Gen AI, as well as to provide context for a conversation about the enduring power of human storytelling.

Oct 8, 2024, 6pm Eastern / 3 pm Pacific


Why AI?

As AI technologies rapidly advance, many artists understandably feel anxious about its impact on the creative sector. Media and tech companies often hype up Generative AI's “amazing” capabilities, fueling fears that human creativity could be replicated or replaced altogether. The goal of this workshop is to thoughtfully consider the pros and cons of Gen AI as a tool, and to evaluate its usefulness to the creative and non-creative aspects of being a cartoonist. In this workshop, we'll take a look at the current state of AI technologies and how they are already being utilized for comics, weigh the potential pros of using AI as an assistive tool against the (many) ethical considerations, and look at different ways that artists are fighting to protect their work online.

“The AI revolution is coming for comics. As creators, we can stick our heads in the sand, or we can get ahead of this, protect ourselves, and train ourselves to use these tools to our advantage. Susannah deftly weaves her way through the challenges and strengths of this new technology, and provides a giant first step along that path.” Justin Hall, Chair of the MFA in Comics program at California College of the Arts

Watch Susannah's Friday Night Workshop

( A totally different topic!)

Required software

This course will use the following free software

  • For the text generator, We will use (which is free, does not train on user data by default, and has a mission around positive impact and ethical AI). 
  • For text-to-image, We will use Adobe Firefly. SAW students are advised to sign up for free close to class time or use an existing account; as long as you have not used Firefly before, they should be allowed to generate up to 25 images for free .
  • Instructions on how to do this are here; it is recommended that students sign up for these in advance.

Join Susannah Hainley in this 3-hour live zoom class

Participants will get hands-on experience with a text generator and text-to-image generator to foster an understanding of the possibilities and limitations of Gen AI, as well as to provide context for a conversation about the enduring power of human storytelling.

Oct 8, 2024, 6pm Eastern / 3 pm Pacific


Classtime in...

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

SAW's disclaimer! :)

Hey everyone, 

Everyone knows that SAW is 100% pro-human and sometimes very vociferously anti-AI.

This course is a test *engagement* with this material with an instructor we trust. 

Conflicts of all kinds have taught us that it's usually best to engage and understand and try to find ways to hold dichotomies in our consciousness, rather than instantly resort to an adversarial stance.

So let's see where this goes and who this helps or doesn't. 


-Tom and the rest at SAW