Join Donna Druchunas in this 4 week live zoom class

Learn how to prepare your comics pages for print using digital tools!

When: 4 weeks starting Saturday November 25, 2023 at 1pm to 3pm Eastern

Where: Online via Zoom

Level: Beginner

Cost: $259

Materials: This course does require specific programs including Affinity Publisher for iPad (available as a free 30-day trial).

Let's Make a One-page Comic in Procreate!

Do you want to learn how to take your paper or digital comic and prepare it to send to a printer? 

In this course, we will work together and go step by step through the process of making a PDF out of an existing hand-drawn or digital comic, and get it ready to send to a professional printing company.

Note: this is not a Digital Drawing class. It is a basic overview of how to prepare your work for print. If students don't have a pre-existing four-page comic saved as a digital file, Donna will supply an example. 

In Detail

Four live 2 hours sessions

Starting Soon.

  • Week 1 - Saturday November 25, 1-3 pm Eastern / 10-12 Pacific - Prep: Learn the basics of the Affinity Publisher iPad interface and practice using key features. Create the basic document file to hold your comic.
  • Week 2 - Saturday December 2, 1-3 pm Eastern / 10-12 Pacific - Ready: Set up the specific elements needed in your basic file including rulers, guides, margins, and so forth. Then, import your comic images.
  • Week 3 - Saturday December 9, 1-3 pm Eastern / 10-12 Pacific - Set: Add the text to your comic, add covers and other book pages that include text, and make corrections as needed.
  • Week 4 - Saturday December 16, 1-3 pm Eastern / 10-12 Pacific - Go!: Pre-flight your file, make final corrections, and export your finished PDF for sending to a printer. 

During each call we will work together step by step to build our printable file. Students are invited to ask questions throughout each live session as well as in the SAW Mighty Network between classes. 

Class videos, audios, chats and transcripts will be saved and archived for the duration of the course and 4 weeks afterwards.

There is a Mighty Network component for this course where students can gather together.

Explore Donnas past Procreate Instructional Videos

Class size is limited! Sign up today!

First class starts in...

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

About the Instructor

Donna Druchunas is an artist, writer, and fiber-artist based in Vermont, USA. While she is well-known for her work as a knitting designer, she is also a comic artist and illustrator. Donna uses a variety of mediums to create her comics, including pen and ink, watercolor, and digital illustration. Her work has a rich, expressive style that combines bold lines and vivid colors with a keen eye for unusual details. Sometimes she seeks to capture the complexities of human experience, and to create stories that are both universal and deeply personal. But mostly, she just likes to play around on her iPad using Procreate to have fun making comics! You can learn more about Donna and see her work at: & (Except for the last sentence, this was written by chat GPT with revisions by Donna)

Donna Druchunas
