Invent the world with Josh Bayer

Monthly Study Group with Josh Bayer

CLASS COST: $180 to $225 USD sliding scale


When: Thursdays ,6:30-9:00 PM Eastern

Where: Online via Zoom | ZOOM link sent upon sign-up.

Who: For anyone interested in alternative comics 18+

Materials: Josh will supply a recommended materials list prior to class but pencil/pen and paper are the only essentials.

Level: Intermediate. (This course is best suited for those with previous experience making comics).

Class will run as long as Josh and the students want it to!

Monthly charge will recur until canceled by user at this link:


Refine Your Voice

Josh is  visionary artist following his passion and tradition at the same time. 

This class will focus on your goals and your story, while looking at how rendering matters, how form matters, how lines and shape effect the work and the story.

Available Course Archives

You'll have access to Josh's course materials and all meeting archives to keep you inspired.

    1. Live Comics Calls with Josh Bayer

    2. Zoom Archives

About this course

  • $199.00 / month
  • 2 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Pricing options

SAW is committed to offering affordable courses. Pay what you can based on your income starting at $180. Yes, it's all the same course!


Instructor Bio:

Josh Bayer lives in Harlem and has worked as a graphic novelist, fine artist and illustrator for 20 years. He is the editor of the anthology 'Suspect Device' and the author of 'Theth', 'Raw Power', 'Theth Tomorrow Forever', 'RM' and 'Black Star'. Additionally he is the editor and writer of 'The All Time Comics' imprint from Floating Wold Comics and Fantagraphics. Josh earned an MFA in Illustration and Cartooning in 2009, and has been teaching professionally since 2007.

Josh Bayer
