Are you dazzled by the rich worlds created by your favorite artists?

(image by Bernie Wrightson)

Have you ever wondered how those God-like artists got all those details in there?

Have you ever wondered how those detailed drawings never seem to look messy or cluttered?

Do you ever want  to get more depth in your drawings?

Do you feel defeated, as if "I could never do that" ?

BUT - all of that dazzling magic is within your reach, it is teachable. 

Join us, and begin unraveling the mysteries of those fabulous works of art.

Don't wonder and feel defeated!

(image by Arthur Rackham)

Ever wonder how people can not only see, but talk about, all the subtleties of images?

Ever wonder how all those details are included without the image becoming a mess?

Do you feel helpless, have you worried about where to even begin?

(image by Justine)

All of my students have had this experience.

And I too, used to feel wholly gobsmacked by the works of my favorite artists, artists who never failed to pack their images full of meaningful details without ever losing clarity or a sense of purpose. 

But with the help of my mentors, I studied, and learned and I'm here to pass on this knowledge.

None of this is magic beyond the understanding of any artist. There are patterns and techniques artists use time and again to organize their details to lead the viewers eyes through maze of details.

* In Depth and Details, you will learn how to see what your favorite artists are doing with an educated eye. If you can't see it, you can't do it, so this is the first step.

* There is no magic to this, All details and depth in works of art are organized in very specific ways, and this class will teach you to see and reproduce those systems of organization.

Want a Sample?

Click Here  to download my FREE 8-page Secrets of Depth and Details Guide

Course curriculum

    1. Details Assignment (Assignment #4)

    2. Presentation 2: Detailed Drawings

    3. Details That Work, Details That Clutter

    4. Details Assignment (Assignment #5)

    5. IMPROVISED Freebie! Depth and Details In India

    1. Presentation 3: Wrightson, Frazetta, Justine

    2. Video 1 of 2: Justine's Details

    3. ​Organizing Assignment (Assignment #6)

    4. ​Organizing Assignment (Assignment #7)

    5. 2 of 2: Wrightson and Frazetta

    1. Presentation #4: Mara Breakdown

    2. Mara Detail By Detail Breakdown

    3. Assignment #8: Junk Pile

    1. Presentation 5: Orientalist Paintings

    2. Orientalist, Exotic Details

    3. Orientalist Drawing. (Assignment #9)

    4. Typical Perspective Errors

About this course

  • $249.00
  • 26 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

Justine will not only show you how to see, but will show you how to think about making images. We will do this with the help of:

In Depth and Details,

  • Image-rich lectures

    that back up her observations with multiple examples of how specific artists organize their details and layers of depth.

  • specific projects

    that will help you focus on the lessons you have just learned so that you are not only seeing, but actively doing.

  • an online community of students

    who you will be able to reach out to and share your work with, and more likely than not, Justine will stop in and give pointers.

Justine's methods have been tested and proven on students for years.

Congratulations, now, at last, you know exactly where to begin!

(image by Justine)


“I have to say I deeply appreciate your style of teaching- both encouraging and growth oriented. I feel like I have made more progress in your class than any drawing class I've ever taken, frankly. Thank you.”

“An amazing experience! Justine Andersen has a unique take on how to get to the root of rendered depth and where to find and place meaningful details to serve composition. If you sit and do the work, like I did, you might actually stretch (and surprise) yourself. This was my first SAW class, and I was so bowled over by it, I found myself neglecting my other work to get back to this coursework... I'm so glad I chose to spontaneously jump into this class on a friend's recommendation (a day into the start of class, too!) as it was a super-rewarding experience. You cats have something special here, I hope to catch another class soon. I've pretty much sworn off on at least one other comic-tutoring site, since this one offers a superior experience.”

“It was a mind-blowing experience. I feel stupid for not having noticed what Justine pointed out. I see it in all the works of all the artists I admire now: layered depth, structural contrast, for readability, also used to let the image tell a story. Justine illustrated that with many amazing examples, going through each in detail. My approach to designing compositions has changed and I will be processing the information I got from this course for months to come! Believe me when I say this course really changed me.”

“I just suddenly realized how I would think of things if I were to draw them! Walking around outdoors, looking through windows, looking at photographs. I've noticed that, unintentionally, the knickknacks and decorations around our apartments exist in groups on various tabletops. ... It's especially been a thing while I'm watching movies/shows. Since you're seeing things through a 'frame' already it's now obvious sets have clear layers to them that are pulled out with lighting and set pieces, and I realize I could draw that without too much trouble now. I really love cinema, and how beautiful sets can be so to suddenly realize WHY they look so good is cool.”

Yes, I want to master Depth and Details in my drawings!


  • When does it start?

    Dec 3, 2018!

  • How long is the class?

    6 sessions in 7 weeks. (This time around, we'll take a week off for the holidays, and to let people catch up!) Assignments and presentations from the classes will be available for download once a week. We'll have a week to look over the material and do the work. The schedule is as follows: Monday Week 1 -The Hidden Layers Monday Week 2 - Details that Work, Details that Clutter Monday Week 3 - Organizing Details Monday Week 4 - A Closer Look, PIece by Piece Monday Week 5 1- Orientalist Dreamscape Monday Week 6 - Putting it All Together

  • Is this a self-guided course or is there a cohort or community aspect?

    This course is designed to create a community of students all working at the same time and helping each other out. This is our third time doing it, and it's always been great!

  • Where will the community be contained?

    At our new MIGHTY NETWORK, which is here and you can join in now! You will be given an invite to the exclusive Depth and Details group when you sign up.

  • How much input will Justine have each session?

    I answer every post in detail, and plan to be involved more as needed, probably an hour a day, plus at the premium rate, I will work with each person one-one-one for one hour.

  • What materials will I need?

    Stay Tuned for more info

  • What's the final outcome of the course?

    You will create many illustrations in the course of this class, always building on your new knowledge of how to see.

  • Is this similar to what you do at SAW?

    I have taught this workshop many times at SAW, yes. The presentations are a lot longer in person!

  • Will You Run This Class Again?

    Probably, but maybe not until the fall!

Justine's lectures and critiques balance universal techniques with highly personalized advice.

Over the course of this class you will learn to see more clearly in ways that will carry over into your daily life. The discipline and knowledge you gain will carry you though to whatever classes you take or images you make. And in the end the classes you take are equal to the art you'll make. By the end of this class you, too, will be able to organize the details in your images into a hierarchy that is visually pleasing and will enhance rather than distract the viewer from the central point or story you are telling.

You will not only learn to see that what these artists are doing is not magic, it is perfectly explainable, understandable, teachable, and therefor entirely doable!

Now that you know were to begin, let's get going, let's unravel the mysteries of detail and depth, and let's stop dreaming and start making great images and comics!

Taught by Justine Mara Andersen

Instructor Bio:


Hey, I'm Justine, and I've been with SAW from the beginning. Before SAW I was a veteran pro... but before that, I, presumably, like you, had no idea where to begin. I had ambition, hunger, desire, but no focus, no discipline, no chops, and worse, no mentors. I knew what I wanted, but I also knew how lousy I was and how little I knew, and worse, that no one at college was qualified to help me learn what I really needed to know.

The worst part was, I was so ignorant when it came not only to art, but to comics, that I was drowning in my own naivete. I didn't know where to begin...

Then I met my mentors, P. Craig Russell, Val Mayerik, Dan Adkins, Jim Steranko, Frank Thorne, John Workman, and Jeff Jones. At first it was brutal, I was immediately confronted with the shameful realization that I didn't know a damn thing bout drawing, nor about comics, and I suddenly felt an urgent need to get it together and get down to the hard work of learning the hard stuff, of learning the discipline of setting aside the fun stuff to focus on fundamentals.

Then, for decades, I worked 60 hours a week, I made a lot of sacrifices, and did every damn thing my mentors told me to do. In that time, I completed 4 published graphic novels for Fantagraphics, inked for DC Comics, Image Comics, and created hundreds of illustrations for WOTC/Dungeons & Dragons, as well as for Lucasfilm, and countless more images for numerous clients in a wide range of projects from ballet stage design to animation.

It's my philosophy that most of my students have set the bar too low for themselves, that they have no idea just how good and how BIG they can become as artists, if only they make wise conscious choices.

What I excel at is saving my students time and suffering. I learned it the hard way so my students don't have to. Of all the gifts I have, perhaps the one I am most proud of is my ability to take complicated concepts and distill them into something I can pass along to my students. My students not only learn from my successes, but my failures, and if you learn from me, you are not only learning from me, but you will be learning all my mentors taught me.

Through me, they and my own life lessons will all be teaching you together, and not just how to draw good comics, but about how to prioritize, set achievable goals, and how to avoid temptation and learn the discipline it takes to become great rather than merely good.

My website is

Justine Mara Andersen

Drawing and Inking Maven